Little Blue Preschool

Where the magic of childhood is treasured

Welcome! We are a little preschool nestled in the Old West Side for 30 years. We create a cozy atmosphere. Our goal is low turnover for the kids and teachers. It is really sweet to watch toddlers form lasting friendships with their buddies. Younger kids learn from the older kids in a multi-age classroom.

We practice High Scope Curriculum, which is the foundation of the Head Start Program. High Scope is a play based curriculum. It promotes children’s initiative and exploration through the use of open ended materials with adult scaffolding. Children gain knowledge and develop creative problem solving skills. A child’s current level of thinking is challenged and expanded.

At Little Blue Preschool we value independence, creativity, and a sense of belonging.

Daily Schedule

  • Morning meeting
  • Planning
  • Work time
  • Cleanup
  • Small Group
  • Snack
  • Music and Movement
  • Outside
  • Lunch
  • Free play
  • Storytime
  • Nap or table time
  • Cleanup
  • Snack
  • Outside
  • Go home
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